Pacific Rim map and support for “wrapped” longitudes

Note: amCharts 4 supports straight out of the box. Check out this demo to find out how to use it. This has been long coming and it’s finally here. Since JavaScript Maps 3.10.1 we now fully support maps with “wrapped” longitudes which allows creating fully featured maps with longitudes spanning beyond the -180/180 line. Such […]

Live Editor charts now support oEmbed

Hi everyone. We have just implemented oEmbed support into Live Editor. For those not “in the know”, oEmbed is a format that allows embedding third party content such as photos, videos or even rich HTML code snippets into web sites by knowing nothing more than the URL of the content you want to insert. This […]

New massive V3.10 update

We have just released a new Version 3.10 of both JavaScript Charts and JavaScript Stock Chart. It’s full of dramatically awesome new features hence the bumped up to 3.10. Here’s a scoop of what’s new: fillToAxis property added to AmGraph. It can only be used with AmXYCharts. If you set this property to id or reference of your […]

Charts, Stock, Maps milestone V3.9 released

We have just released a new version 3.9 of our three main products: JavaScript Charts, JavaScript Stock Charts and JavaScript Maps. For those keeping track, we skipped a few digits for charts in order to catch up with the Maps to further simplify versioning. Feature-wise, the most notable development across all the three products is […]

Native amCharts Objective C wrapper for iOS / OS X apps is now open source

We’re trilled to announce that awesome people at Chimp Studios have decided to open source their Objective C wrapper for amCharts libraries. If you develop apps for iPhone/iPad or OS X head over to their GitHub repository to get the latest version. It will enable you to easily add amCharts charting capabilities to your applications.

Introducing Quick Tips section of amCharts website

A picture is worth a thousand words. A live demo is worth, well, at least 4-6 support emails. That’s why we’re creating tens of demos addressing specific needs of our customers daily. Some of those we post on our newly created Quick Tips section. Browse, search, and see the code and end-result right there, on […]

JavaScript Charts Visual Editor is now live

I could start with how proud we are, or how we worked hard, or similar blah blah blah. Instead I’m just going to say that we’re frickin’ excited senseless to finally bring you the brand new and shiny JavaScript Charts Editor! Create, configure, tweak, edit data, export, import, save, share in a single interface, the […]

JavaScript Charts accessibility plugin

Starting from version 3.20.4 all amCharts have accessibility built-in. More information If you want to make amCharts JavaScript Charts truly accessible, make sure you check out this plugin, released by good people at PayPal. It makes the charts accessible by allowing them to be manipulated by keyboard as well as adds screen reader compatibility. amCharts […]

amCharts WordPress Plugin 1.0.2: Now with preview

Hi there fellow WP’ers! Make sure you check your WP plugin page in admin. The update to amCharts plugin might already be waiting for you there. Among some under-the-hood tweaks it also brings two most requested features: Chart preview and custom chart slugs. To upgrade, use WP’s automatic updater or grab the latest files from […]

amCharts to build a pedestrian bridge in China

<April fools’ joke> Since we started working on our new beautiful website last year, we also embarked on a totally different albeit closely related project in parallel. In its early stages we made sure it was kept closely under wraps. While some of the information inadvertently leaked on the web, we managed to keep our […]