Gapless Date Axis, Time Zones, and More in amCharts 5.1

amCharts 5.1 has just gone live and it adds several key features in addition to bug fixes and smaller improvements. Gapless Date Axis If you have date-based data that has substantial gaps in it (like nights, weekends, holidays, etc.) you will appreciate GaplessDateAxis. It combines the best of what regular DateAxis can offer (like data […]

amCharts 5 is here!

We’ve been hard at work slicing, dicing, mixing, and seasoning. Then we put our creation in the oven. And now the timer has beeped and the freshly cooked amCharts 5 are ready for your consumption! The one charting library to rule them all amCharts 5 is a library that covers all your charting needs in […]

amCharts 5 Beta is available now!

Regardless of which version of amCharts library you are currently using, we have an update for you: amCharts 5 Beta is available for immediate use now. amCharts 5 is a natural successor to previous versions, and is better in a lot of ways: Blindingly fast amCharts 5 uses canvas technology to deliver crisp charts, quickly. It also uses lightweight data objects, to […]

Add Chart Editing To Your Web Apps With amCharts Editor 4

amCharts Editor version 4.0 is out now! amCharts Editor 4 enables you to integrate a powerful WYSIWYG chart configuration tool into your web applications. End-users and developers alike can now create and modify advanced charts without writing a line of code. Key features of the amCharts Editor 4: Integrates with your CMS Create chart objects, […]

Create Venn Diagrams with amCharts 4.9

Venn diagrams are a great tool to show relationships between data sets as well as a great source for all kinds of internet memes. Starting with amCharts 4.9 you can add great interactive Venn diagrams to your web applications. Check out the demos here. And make sure to read through Anatomy of a Venn Diagram […]

Place Bullets on Axes with amCharts 4.5.9

amCharts 4.5.9 brings a new and welcome feature – you can now place bullets on axes. Combined with recently added Bullets plugin this opens a lot of exciting possibilities. Check out all you need to know to get started in the documentation. Get the latest version of amCharts to put this new feature to use.

Introducing the Bullets plugin

amCharts 4.5.7 comes with a new and awesome Bullets plugin enabling you to add configurable shapes as bullets to your charts, markers to your maps, and anything anywhere else for that matter. In addition to getting the great plugin, you also get a visual configurator where you can adjust and preview your custom bullets. Get […]

New: Annotation Plugin in amCharts 4.5.5

Starting with version 4.5.5 you now have an option to add annotation feature to your charts. Annotation plugin enables users to draw, write and add markers on top of the chart. Consequently, the annotated visual can be serialized and reloaded later, or exported as an image to be shared with other team members, customers or […]