23 new localizations in amCharts 4.0.22

The just-released amCharts v.4.0.22 includes 23 new localizations, thanks to Bjorn Svensson! Get it from our Download page. More additions and fixes were made between versions 4.0.18 and 4.0.22. Here’s the change log: Added 23 new locales: Arabic, Bosnian, Catalan, Czech, Greek, Estonian, Finnish, Hebrew, Hindi, Croatian, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Polish, Romanian, Serbian, […]

Creating Amazing Animated Chart-based Stories

When we launched amCharts 4 most visitors to our front page couldn’t believe that the animation at the top was an actual live JavaScript demo of the library. We’ve been asked to detail how this was done a number of times. And we are happy to oblige. Antanas Marcelionis – our lead developer – has […]

Massive data performance improvements in 4.0.17

We have just released version 4.0.17 of amCharts 4 which features dramatic performance improvements for charts with tens and hundreds of thousands of data points, among other fixes and improvements. As usual, you can get the update via all of of our channels. Here’s the complete change log: Fixed Dramatically improved performance for data-heavy charts […]

amCharts 4 v4.0.16 released

While the world was finishing Holiday meals, we were hard at work improving amCharts 4. As a result, we’ve already published 3 releases in 2019 with 4.0.16 being the latest. Here’s a combined change log for versions 4.0.14 through 4.0.16: Added New setting zoomStep added to MapChart. Allows controlling zoom in/out speed. color property added […]

DataViz Tip #32: Chart Types: Chord Diagram

Chord Diagrams help us visualize relationships between data arranged beautifully in a circle. You can use Chord Diagrams to visualize data ranging from relationships between Lost characters to Uber rides between neighbourhoods in a city to complex scientific subjects that are even hard to pronounce. amCharts 4 includes powerful tools to create your own interactive […]

DataViz Tip #31: Labels vs. Legends

A rule of thumb is you should annotate your chart items right there next to them whenever possible. This gives your viewers an easy way to evaluate and understand the data presented. This is all great but what if you have a very limited space to work in? You may either be on a smartphone […]

DataViz Tip #30: Let Viewers Change Chart Type

When building an infographic you know exactly what your data looks like and can make an editorial decision on the best way to present it. For web applications, on the other hand, the shape and form of live data coming from some data source are not always known upfront. So, whatever you imagine about the […]

DataViz Tip #29: Mix Multiple Chart Types

Multiple chart types in one visual are nothing new in the infographics space. In your “regular” functional web charting world this almost never happens. Obviously, not all datasets are best expressed with a multi-type chart mix though some are. The primary reason why you never see such “hybrids” in the wild is that it’s often […]

DataViz Tip #28: Chart Types: Radar and Polar Charts

Radar and Polar charts help you represent series of quantitative variables in a circular manner on axes starting from the same point. You can think of Radar chart as a radial version of a line chart, and Polar chart as a radial bar chart. Both chart types are at their best when variables in a […]

DataViz Tip #27: Chart Types: Treemap

Treemaps are a great data visualization tool to represent data items as part of a whole. Items in a treemap are represented as rectangles proportionally to their value and fill up the entire chart area. This lets viewers perceive their relative size much better than with slices in a pie chart and it also lends […]