DataViz Tip #1: Sort your bar charts by value

Every week we will post a data visualization tip to help you create better visualizations and provide a way to take advantage of the concept using amCharts (where applicable). Subscribe to our newsletter to get notified about new tips and more. Your data may come in some order or no particular order at all. Whenever […]

Introducing clearer licensing terms for all purchases after 2017 January 1st

Based on feedback from our commercial users, we have incorporated some minor changes to our commercial licensing terms. The changes take effect immediately and will be applicable to all purchases made on or after January 1st, 2017. The changes have been designed to both make licenses more transparent and clear, as well as loosen some […]

amCharts introduces an open-source Weather Map tool

Here at amCharts we do love all kinds of crazy solutions that people do with our products. Sometimes, we go ahead and do our own in-hours projects as well. Today we’re announcing one of such tools – Weather Map. It’s an open-source tool, build on top of our JavaScript Maps and JavaScript Charts products as […]

amCharts WordPress plugin is now WPML-certified

WPML is a de facto standard when it comes to multi-lingual WordPress websites. For the past weeks amCharts and WPML teams worked together to making our own WordPress plugin and WPML compatible. We’re extremely happy that amCharts WP plugin is now fully certified as WPML Compatible. amCharts for WP will now automatically detect WPML and show […]

amCharts React component is now available

For those, using amCharts products with React framework, we now have an official component. Head over to this GitHub repository for more details and download.

New version 3.20.4 features accessibility enhancements and automatic grid syncing

A lot of improvements related with accessibility of charts and maps: tabIndex property added to: AmLegend, AmGraph, Title, Label, AmSlicedChart, ChartScrollbar and ChartCursor. In case you set it to some number, the chart will set focus on this element when user hits tab key (after setting focus on all elements with lower tabIndex). When a […]

Version 3.20.0 introduces accessibility support

We have just released a new version – 3.20.0 of our charts and maps products. Probably the most notable change is the addition of accessibility features. The descriptive WAI-ARIA labels are now automatically added to key elements like chart columns or map areas. This allows vision-impaired users using screen readers get a feel of the […]

New massive update V3.18 brings a slew of exciting features

After record-breaking nearly two months in the making, version 3.18 is finally out! The main features of this release are dramatic performance enhancements, zoomable/scrollable value axes, pinch-to-zoom gesture support on serial charts, smoother animations, radial gradients in pie charts, and the whole new drop-shaped balloon option. Head over to our Download section to grab the […]

Use case: – a website dedicated to kitesurfing community in The Netherlands – took it to amCharts to visualize their data on weather conditions. The developers pushed the charts to the limit by applying a number of advanced techniques to make the charts both very useful and attractive. This post will outline a few of those. […]

New V3.16 with revamped touch controls, crisp-clear icons released

We’re happy to announce that we just released a new milestone Version 3.16 across all amCharts products. If you’re using amCharts CDN, you’re already set. If you’re hosting your own libraries, grab the update from Downloads (free version) or Support area (commercial versions). Revamped touch device support The most notable change is a completely revamped […]