Create Amazing Word Clouds with amCharts 4.1.10

See the Pen Word Cloud by amCharts team (@amcharts) on CodePen.

Visualizing frequency of words or popularity of tags in a chart known as WordCloud is a great way to emphasize certain aspects of your texts or data.

amCharts 4.1.10 includes a brand new powerful plugin for creating amazing animated interactive Word Clouds. You can learn how to get started with amCharts WordCloud in the Anatomy of a WordCloud article in the documentation.

Get the newest version of amCharts 4 here and start experimenting with WorldCloud and other awesome chart types.

Here’s a complete change log for versions 4.1.7 through 4.1.11


  • New chart type: WordCloud.
  • New Sprite property: baseSprite. On objects, even deep in hierarchy it will contain a reference to the main chart object.
  • JSON: You can now specify both list of items and template settings for ListTemplate, e.g.: titles: { template: { ... }, values: [{ ... }] }. Specifying it the old way will still work.


  • Default value of minFontSize in WordCloudSeries to 2%.
  • Default value of maxFontSize in WordCloudSeries to 20%.
  • Label sizing algorithm updated in WordCloudSeries.
  • Rotated axis labels (rotation != 0) of the vertical and horizontal axes no longer have their verticalCenter and horizontalCenter overridden by renderer. This gives more freedom for positioning rotated labels.
  • Axis min/max calculation algorightm updated.
  • DateAxis will now pay attention to dateFormatter.firstDayOfWeek when grid is in “weekly” mode.


  • exportable = false was not working when set on various Series item templates.
  • On Gantt chart date axis tooltip was snapping randomly when moving mouse.
  • Export: For very large data sets (2MB and up) data export was failing silently in Chrome.
  • On a chart with DateAxis and multiple series with same-date data items, bullets could sometimes disappear while scrolling the chart.
  • On DateAxis with yearly granularity could sometimes show wrong year.
  • Updating chart data with less data points was sometimes resulting in JavaScript error.
  • DateAxis labels/ticks/grid was not placed in the correct position if baseInterval.count > 1 and location > 0.
  • Dynamically changing ZoomControl value of layout was not working correctly.
  • Using proprtyFields on a LineSeries sometimes could result in an error. (fix by @AndiLi99)
  • French locale (fr_FR) updated for correct decimal/thousands separators.
  • Export: scale in image export options was being ignored.
  • JSON: cursor.snapToSeries was not working in JSON configs.
  • Selection was acting funky when zooming DateAxis and cursor moved out of plot area.
  • An infinite error message loop fixed which was happening if series was added and there was no X or Y axes defined.
  • Tooltip on the last available data item was left visible even if cursor moved to the date where the series had no data points.
  • When snapToSeries was enabled in XYCursor, vertical line was not shown.
  • Issue 933.
  • DateAxis sometimes could show date/time in UTC even if not explicitly enabled.