JavaScript TypeScript / ES6 ...
<style >
#chartdiv {
width : 100% ;
height : 500px ;
</style >
<script src ="" > </script >
<script src ="" > </script >
<script src ="" > </script >
<script >
am4core.useTheme (am4themes_animated);
var capacity = 6000 ;
var value = 4000 ;
var circleSize = 0.8 ;
var component = am4core.create ("chartdiv" , am4core.Container )
component.width = am4core.percent (100 );
component.height = am4core.percent (100 );
var chartContainer = component.createChild (am4core.Container );
chartContainer.x = am4core.percent (50 )
chartContainer.y = am4core.percent (50 )
var circle = chartContainer.createChild (am4core.Circle );
circle.fill = am4core.color ("#dadada" );
var circleMask = chartContainer.createChild (am4core.Circle );
var waves = chartContainer.createChild (am4core.WavedRectangle );
waves.fill = am4core.color ("#34a4eb" );
waves.mask = circleMask;
waves.horizontalCenter = "middle" ;
waves.waveHeight = 10 ;
waves.waveLength = 30 ;
waves.y = 500 ;
circleMask.y = -500 ; .on ("maxsizechanged" , function ( ){
var smallerSize = Math .min (component.pixelWidth , component.pixelHeight );
var radius = smallerSize * circleSize / 2 ;
circle.radius = radius;
circleMask.radius = radius;
waves.height = smallerSize;
waves.width = Math .max (component.pixelWidth , component.pixelHeight );
var labelRadius = radius + 20
capacityLabel.path = am4core.path .moveTo ({x :-labelRadius, y :0 }) + am4core.path .arcToPoint ({x :labelRadius, y :0 }, labelRadius, labelRadius);
capacityLabel.locationOnPath = 0.5 ;
setValue (value);
function setValue (value ){
var y = - circle.radius - waves.waveHeight + (1 - value / capacity) * circle.pixelRadius * 2 ;
waves.animate ([{property :"y" , to :y}, {property :"waveHeight" , to :10 , from :15 }, {property :"x" , from :-50 , to :0 }], 5000 , am4core.ease .elasticOut );
circleMask.animate ([{property :"y" , to :-y},{property :"x" , from :50 , to :0 }], 5000 , am4core.ease .elasticOut );
var label = chartContainer.createChild (am4core.Label )
var formattedValue = component.numberFormatter .format (value, "#.#a" );
formattedValue = formattedValue.toUpperCase ();
label.text = formattedValue + " Litres" ;
label.fill = am4core.color ("#fff" );
label.fontSize = 30 ;
label.horizontalCenter = "middle" ;
var capacityLabel = chartContainer.createChild (am4core.Label )
var formattedCapacity = component.numberFormatter .format (capacity, "#.#a" ).toUpperCase ();;
capacityLabel.text = "Capacity " + formattedCapacity + " Litres" ;
capacityLabel.fill = am4core.color ("#34a4eb" );
capacityLabel.fontSize = 20 ;
capacityLabel.textAlign = "middle" ;
capacityLabel.padding (0 ,0 ,0 ,0 );
</script >
<div id ="chartdiv" > </div >
import * as am4core from "@amcharts/amcharts4/core" ;
import * as am4charts from "@amcharts/amcharts4/charts" ;
am4core.useTheme (am4themes_animated);
let capacity = 6000 ;
let value = 4000 ;
let circleSize = 0.8 ;
let component = am4core.create ("chartdiv" , am4core.Container )
component.width = am4core.percent (100 );
component.height = am4core.percent (100 );
let chartContainer = component.createChild (am4core.Container );
chartContainer.x = am4core.percent (50 )
chartContainer.y = am4core.percent (50 )
let circle = chartContainer.createChild (am4core.Circle );
circle.fill = am4core.color ("#dadada" );
let circleMask = chartContainer.createChild (am4core.Circle );
let waves = chartContainer.createChild (am4core.WavedRectangle );
waves.fill = am4core.color ("#34a4eb" );
waves.mask = circleMask;
waves.horizontalCenter = "middle" ;
waves.waveHeight = 10 ;
waves.waveLength = 30 ;
waves.y = 500 ;
circleMask.y = -500 ; .on ("maxsizechanged" , function ( ){
let smallerSize = Math .min (component.pixelWidth , component.pixelHeight );
let radius = smallerSize * circleSize / 2 ;
circle.radius = radius;
circleMask.radius = radius;
waves.height = smallerSize;
waves.width = Math .max (component.pixelWidth , component.pixelHeight );
let labelRadius = radius + 20
capacityLabel.path = am4core.path .moveTo ({x :-labelRadius, y :0 }) + am4core.path .arcToPoint ({x :labelRadius, y :0 }, labelRadius, labelRadius);
capacityLabel.locationOnPath = 0.5 ;
setValue (value);
function setValue (value ){
let y = - circle.radius - waves.waveHeight + (1 - value / capacity) * circle.pixelRadius * 2 ;
waves.animate ([{property :"y" , to :y}, {property :"waveHeight" , to :10 , from :15 }, {property :"x" , from :-50 , to :0 }], 5000 , am4core.ease .elasticOut );
circleMask.animate ([{property :"y" , to :-y},{property :"x" , from :50 , to :0 }], 5000 , am4core.ease .elasticOut );
let label = chartContainer.createChild (am4core.Label )
let formattedValue = component.numberFormatter .format (value, "#.#a" );
formattedValue = formattedValue.toUpperCase ();
label.text = formattedValue + " Litres" ;
label.fill = am4core.color ("#fff" );
label.fontSize = 30 ;
label.horizontalCenter = "middle" ;
let capacityLabel = chartContainer.createChild (am4core.Label )
let formattedCapacity = component.numberFormatter .format (capacity, "#.#a" ).toUpperCase ();;
capacityLabel.text = "Capacity " + formattedCapacity + " Litres" ;
capacityLabel.fill = am4core.color ("#34a4eb" );
capacityLabel.fontSize = 20 ;
capacityLabel.textAlign = "middle" ;
capacityLabel.padding (0 ,0 ,0 ,0 );