ChartUse left and right arrows to move selectionFrom 1950 to 2005Use left and right arrows to move left selectionFrom 1950Use left and right arrows to move right selectionTo 2005Use TAB to select grip buttons or left and right arrows to change selection100%Chart created using amCharts library
  • Open in:

Smoothed Line Chart

Customizable line tension

Line series has two very easy settings that can control how line smoothing algorithm works: tensionX and tensionY.

This allows tailoring smoothed line to suit your needs and data.

More about smoothed lines

Axis ranges

Axis ranges is another powerful feature of amCharts 4. Besides other uses, it allows defining a range on any axis. Any visual property of the series, that falls within this specific range, will be overridden with specific values.

More about axis ranges

Demo source

<!-- Styles -->
#chartdiv {
  width: 100%;
  height: 500px;


<!-- Resources -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<!-- Chart code -->
am4core.ready(function() {

// Themes begin
// Themes end

// Create chart instance
var chart = am4core.create("chartdiv", am4charts.XYChart);
chart.paddingRight = 20;

// Add data = [{
  "year": "1950",
  "value": -0.307
}, {
  "year": "1951",
  "value": -0.168
}, {
  "year": "1952",
  "value": -0.073
}, {
  "year": "1953",
  "value": -0.027
}, {
  "year": "1954",
  "value": -0.251
}, {
  "year": "1955",
  "value": -0.281
}, {
  "year": "1956",
  "value": -0.348
}, {
  "year": "1957",
  "value": -0.074
}, {
  "year": "1958",
  "value": -0.011
}, {
  "year": "1959",
  "value": -0.074
}, {
  "year": "1960",
  "value": -0.124
}, {
  "year": "1961",
  "value": -0.024
}, {
  "year": "1962",
  "value": -0.022
}, {
  "year": "1963",
  "value": 0
}, {
  "year": "1964",
  "value": -0.296
}, {
  "year": "1965",
  "value": -0.217
}, {
  "year": "1966",
  "value": -0.147
}, {
  "year": "1967",
  "value": -0.15
}, {
  "year": "1968",
  "value": -0.16
}, {
  "year": "1969",
  "value": -0.011
}, {
  "year": "1970",
  "value": -0.068
}, {
  "year": "1971",
  "value": -0.19
}, {
  "year": "1972",
  "value": -0.056
}, {
  "year": "1973",
  "value": 0.077
}, {
  "year": "1974",
  "value": -0.213
}, {
  "year": "1975",
  "value": -0.17
}, {
  "year": "1976",
  "value": -0.254
}, {
  "year": "1977",
  "value": 0.019
}, {
  "year": "1978",
  "value": -0.063
}, {
  "year": "1979",
  "value": 0.05
}, {
  "year": "1980",
  "value": 0.077
}, {
  "year": "1981",
  "value": 0.12
}, {
  "year": "1982",
  "value": 0.011
}, {
  "year": "1983",
  "value": 0.177
}, {
  "year": "1984",
  "value": -0.021
}, {
  "year": "1985",
  "value": -0.037
}, {
  "year": "1986",
  "value": 0.03
}, {
  "year": "1987",
  "value": 0.179
}, {
  "year": "1988",
  "value": 0.18
}, {
  "year": "1989",
  "value": 0.104
}, {
  "year": "1990",
  "value": 0.255
}, {
  "year": "1991",
  "value": 0.21
}, {
  "year": "1992",
  "value": 0.065
}, {
  "year": "1993",
  "value": 0.11
}, {
  "year": "1994",
  "value": 0.172
}, {
  "year": "1995",
  "value": 0.269
}, {
  "year": "1996",
  "value": 0.141
}, {
  "year": "1997",
  "value": 0.353
}, {
  "year": "1998",
  "value": 0.548
}, {
  "year": "1999",
  "value": 0.298
}, {
  "year": "2000",
  "value": 0.267
}, {
  "year": "2001",
  "value": 0.411
}, {
  "year": "2002",
  "value": 0.462
}, {
  "year": "2003",
  "value": 0.47
}, {
  "year": "2004",
  "value": 0.445
}, {
  "year": "2005",
  "value": 0.47

// Create axes
var categoryAxis = chart.xAxes.push(new am4charts.CategoryAxis());
categoryAxis.dataFields.category = "year";
categoryAxis.renderer.minGridDistance = 50;
categoryAxis.renderer.grid.template.location = 0.5;
categoryAxis.startLocation = 0.5;
categoryAxis.endLocation = 0.5;

// Create value axis
var valueAxis = chart.yAxes.push(new am4charts.ValueAxis());
valueAxis.baseValue = 0;

// Create series
var series = chart.series.push(new am4charts.LineSeries());
series.dataFields.valueY = "value";
series.dataFields.categoryX = "year";
series.strokeWidth = 2;
series.tensionX = 0.77;

// bullet is added because we add tooltip to a bullet for it to change color
var bullet = series.bullets.push(new am4charts.Bullet());
bullet.tooltipText = "{valueY}";

bullet.adapter.add("fill", function(fill, target){
    if(target.dataItem.valueY < 0){
        return am4core.color("#FF0000");
    return fill;
var range = valueAxis.createSeriesRange(series);
range.value = 0;
range.endValue = -1000;
range.contents.stroke = am4core.color("#FF0000");
range.contents.fill = range.contents.stroke;

// Add scrollbar
var scrollbarX = new am4charts.XYChartScrollbar();
chart.scrollbarX = scrollbarX;

chart.cursor = new am4charts.XYCursor();

}); // end am4core.ready()

<!-- HTML -->
<div id="chartdiv"></div>