Bar Chart Race
Bar Chart Race is a great and highly visual way to display data changing over time in the form of an animated bar chart. It’s a very comprehensible representation of time-based changes in data.
Key implementation details
In this demo we have year-based data, and we interpolate the values in a linear fashion inside the year to show smooth continuous growth. We [re]sort series on the category (Y) axis from high to low and then we calculate the necessary zoom level to zoom-in to a point where only the non-zero items are visible.
Finally, on each step we calculate the series position delta and set an animation on the data-item, so when its position changes it doesn’t jump into its new place immediately but goes there in a smooth animation.
Related tutorials
Demo source
<!-- Styles -->
#chartdiv {
width: 100%;
height: 500px;
<!-- Resources -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Chart code -->
am5.ready(function() {
// Data
var allData = {
"2002": {
"Friendster": 0,
"Facebook": 0,
"Flickr": 0,
"Google Buzz": 0,
"Google+": 0,
"Hi5": 0,
"Instagram": 0,
"MySpace": 0,
"Orkut": 0,
"Pinterest": 0,
"Reddit": 0,
"Snapchat": 0,
"TikTok": 0,
"Tumblr": 0,
"Twitter": 0,
"WeChat": 0,
"Weibo": 0,
"Whatsapp": 0,
"YouTube": 0
"2003": {
"Friendster": 4470000,
"Facebook": 0,
"Flickr": 0,
"Google Buzz": 0,
"Google+": 0,
"Hi5": 0,
"Instagram": 0,
"MySpace": 0,
"Orkut": 0,
"Pinterest": 0,
"Reddit": 0,
"Snapchat": 0,
"TikTok": 0,
"Tumblr": 0,
"Twitter": 0,
"WeChat": 0,
"Weibo": 0,
"Whatsapp": 0,
"YouTube": 0
"2004": {
"Friendster": 5970054,
"Facebook": 0,
"Flickr": 3675135,
"Google Buzz": 0,
"Google+": 0,
"Hi5": 0,
"Instagram": 0,
"MySpace": 980036,
"Orkut": 4900180,
"Pinterest": 0,
"Reddit": 0,
"Snapchat": 0,
"TikTok": 0,
"Tumblr": 0,
"Twitter": 0,
"WeChat": 0,
"Weibo": 0,
"Whatsapp": 0,
"YouTube": 0
"2005": {
"Friendster": 7459742,
"Facebook": 0,
"Flickr": 7399354,
"Google Buzz": 0,
"Google+": 0,
"Hi5": 9731610,
"Instagram": 0,
"MySpace": 19490059,
"Orkut": 9865805,
"Pinterest": 0,
"Reddit": 0,
"Snapchat": 0,
"TikTok": 0,
"Tumblr": 0,
"Twitter": 0,
"WeChat": 0,
"Weibo": 0,
"Whatsapp": 0,
"YouTube": 1946322
"2006": {
"Friendster": 8989854,
"Facebook": 0,
"Flickr": 14949270,
"Google Buzz": 0,
"Google+": 0,
"Hi5": 19932360,
"Instagram": 0,
"MySpace": 54763260,
"Orkut": 14966180,
"Pinterest": 0,
"Reddit": 248309,
"Snapchat": 0,
"TikTok": 0,
"Tumblr": 0,
"Twitter": 0,
"WeChat": 0,
"Weibo": 0,
"Whatsapp": 0,
"YouTube": 19878248
"2007": {
"Friendster": 24253200,
"Facebook": 0,
"Flickr": 29299875,
"Google Buzz": 0,
"Google+": 0,
"Hi5": 29533250,
"Instagram": 0,
"MySpace": 69299875,
"Orkut": 26916562,
"Pinterest": 0,
"Reddit": 488331,
"Snapchat": 0,
"TikTok": 0,
"Tumblr": 0,
"Twitter": 0,
"WeChat": 0,
"Weibo": 0,
"Whatsapp": 0,
"YouTube": 143932250
"2008": {
"Friendster": 51008911,
"Facebook": 100000000,
"Flickr": 30000000,
"Google Buzz": 0,
"Google+": 0,
"Hi5": 55045618,
"Instagram": 0,
"MySpace": 72408233,
"Orkut": 44357628,
"Pinterest": 0,
"Reddit": 1944940,
"Snapchat": 0,
"TikTok": 0,
"Tumblr": 0,
"Twitter": 0,
"WeChat": 0,
"Weibo": 0,
"Whatsapp": 0,
"YouTube": 294493950
"2009": {
"Friendster": 28804331,
"Facebook": 276000000,
"Flickr": 41834525,
"Google Buzz": 0,
"Google+": 0,
"Hi5": 57893524,
"Instagram": 0,
"MySpace": 70133095,
"Orkut": 47366905,
"Pinterest": 0,
"Reddit": 3893524,
"Snapchat": 0,
"TikTok": 0,
"Tumblr": 0,
"Twitter": 0,
"WeChat": 0,
"Weibo": 0,
"Whatsapp": 0,
"YouTube": 413611440
"2010": {
"Friendster": 0,
"Facebook": 517750000,
"Flickr": 54708063,
"Google Buzz": 166029650,
"Google+": 0,
"Hi5": 59953290,
"Instagram": 0,
"MySpace": 68046710,
"Orkut": 49941613,
"Pinterest": 0,
"Reddit": 0,
"Snapchat": 0,
"TikTok": 0,
"Tumblr": 0,
"Twitter": 43250000,
"WeChat": 0,
"Weibo": 19532900,
"Whatsapp": 0,
"YouTube": 480551990
"2011": {
"Friendster": 0,
"Facebook": 766000000,
"Flickr": 66954600,
"Google Buzz": 170000000,
"Google+": 0,
"Hi5": 46610848,
"Instagram": 0,
"MySpace": 46003536,
"Orkut": 47609080,
"Pinterest": 0,
"Reddit": 0,
"Snapchat": 0,
"TikTok": 0,
"Tumblr": 0,
"Twitter": 92750000,
"WeChat": 47818400,
"Weibo": 48691040,
"Whatsapp": 0,
"YouTube": 642669824
"2012": {
"Friendster": 0,
"Facebook": 979750000,
"Flickr": 79664888,
"Google Buzz": 170000000,
"Google+": 107319100,
"Hi5": 0,
"Instagram": 0,
"MySpace": 0,
"Orkut": 45067022,
"Pinterest": 0,
"Reddit": 0,
"Snapchat": 0,
"TikTok": 0,
"Tumblr": 146890156,
"Twitter": 160250000,
"WeChat": 118123370,
"Weibo": 79195730,
"Whatsapp": 0,
"YouTube": 844638200
"2013": {
"Friendster": 0,
"Facebook": 1170500000,
"Flickr": 80000000,
"Google Buzz": 170000000,
"Google+": 205654700,
"Hi5": 0,
"Instagram": 117500000,
"MySpace": 0,
"Orkut": 0,
"Pinterest": 0,
"Reddit": 0,
"Snapchat": 0,
"TikTok": 0,
"Tumblr": 293482050,
"Twitter": 223675000,
"WeChat": 196523760,
"Weibo": 118261880,
"Whatsapp": 300000000,
"YouTube": 1065223075
"2014": {
"Friendster": 0,
"Facebook": 1334000000,
"Flickr": 0,
"Google Buzz": 170000000,
"Google+": 254859015,
"Hi5": 0,
"Instagram": 250000000,
"MySpace": 0,
"Orkut": 0,
"Pinterest": 0,
"Reddit": 135786956,
"Snapchat": 0,
"TikTok": 0,
"Tumblr": 388721163,
"Twitter": 223675000,
"WeChat": 444232415,
"Weibo": 154890345,
"Whatsapp": 498750000,
"YouTube": 1249451725
"2015": {
"Friendster": 0,
"Facebook": 1516750000,
"Flickr": 0,
"Google Buzz": 170000000,
"Google+": 298950015,
"Hi5": 0,
"Instagram": 400000000,
"MySpace": 0,
"Orkut": 0,
"Pinterest": 0,
"Reddit": 163346676,
"Snapchat": 0,
"TikTok": 0,
"Tumblr": 475923363,
"Twitter": 304500000,
"WeChat": 660843407,
"Weibo": 208716685,
"Whatsapp": 800000000,
"YouTube": 1328133360
"2016": {
"Friendster": 0,
"Facebook": 1753500000,
"Flickr": 0,
"Google Buzz": 0,
"Google+": 398648000,
"Hi5": 0,
"Instagram": 550000000,
"MySpace": 0,
"Orkut": 0,
"Pinterest": 143250000,
"Reddit": 238972480,
"Snapchat": 238648000,
"TikTok": 0,
"Tumblr": 565796720,
"Twitter": 314500000,
"WeChat": 847512320,
"Weibo": 281026560,
"Whatsapp": 1000000000,
"YouTube": 1399053600
"2017": {
"Friendster": 0,
"Facebook": 2035750000,
"Flickr": 0,
"Google Buzz": 0,
"Google+": 495657000,
"Hi5": 0,
"Instagram": 750000000,
"MySpace": 0,
"Orkut": 0,
"Pinterest": 195000000,
"Reddit": 297394200,
"Snapchat": 0,
"TikTok": 239142500,
"Tumblr": 593783960,
"Twitter": 328250000,
"WeChat": 921742750,
"Weibo": 357569030,
"Whatsapp": 1333333333,
"YouTube": 1495657000
"2018": {
"Friendster": 0,
"Facebook": 2255250000,
"Flickr": 0,
"Google Buzz": 0,
"Google+": 430000000,
"Hi5": 0,
"Instagram": 1000000000,
"MySpace": 0,
"Orkut": 0,
"Pinterest": 246500000,
"Reddit": 355000000,
"Snapchat": 0,
"TikTok": 500000000,
"Tumblr": 624000000,
"Twitter": 329500000,
"WeChat": 1000000000,
"Weibo": 431000000,
"Whatsapp": 1433333333,
"YouTube": 1900000000
// Create root element
var root ="chartdiv");
numberFormat: "#a",
// Group only into M (millions), and B (billions)
bigNumberPrefixes: [
{ number: 1e6, suffix: "M" },
{ number: 1e9, suffix: "B" }
// Do not use small number prefixes at all
smallNumberPrefixes: []
var stepDuration = 2000;
// Set themes
// Create chart
var chart = root.container.children.push(, {
panX: true,
panY: true,
wheelX: "none",
wheelY: "none",
paddingLeft: 0
// We don't want zoom-out button to appear while animating, so we hide it at all
chart.zoomOutButton.set("forceHidden", true);
// Create axes
var yRenderer =, {
minGridDistance: 20,
inversed: true,
minorGridEnabled: true
// hide grid
yRenderer.grid.template.set("visible", false);
var yAxis = chart.yAxes.push(, {
maxDeviation: 0,
categoryField: "network",
renderer: yRenderer
var xAxis = chart.xAxes.push(, {
maxDeviation: 0,
min: 0,
strictMinMax: true,
extraMax: 0.1,
renderer:, {})
xAxis.set("interpolationDuration", stepDuration / 10);
xAxis.set("interpolationEasing", am5.ease.linear);
// Add series
var series = chart.series.push(, {
xAxis: xAxis,
yAxis: yAxis,
valueXField: "value",
categoryYField: "network"
// Rounded corners for columns
series.columns.template.setAll({ cornerRadiusBR: 5, cornerRadiusTR: 5 });
// Make each column to be of a different color
series.columns.template.adapters.add("fill", function (fill, target) {
return chart.get("colors").getIndex(series.columns.indexOf(target));
series.columns.template.adapters.add("stroke", function (stroke, target) {
return chart.get("colors").getIndex(series.columns.indexOf(target));
// Add label bullet
series.bullets.push(function () {
return, {
locationX: 1,
sprite:, {
text: "{valueXWorking.formatNumber('#.# a')}",
fill: root.interfaceColors.get("alternativeText"),
centerX: am5.p100,
centerY: am5.p50,
populateText: true
var label = chart.plotContainer.children.push(, {
text: "2002",
fontSize: "8em",
opacity: 0.2,
x: am5.p100,
y: am5.p100,
centerY: am5.p100,
centerX: am5.p100
// Get series item by category
function getSeriesItem(category) {
for (var i = 0; i < series.dataItems.length; i++) {
var dataItem = series.dataItems[i];
if (dataItem.get("categoryY") == category) {
return dataItem;
// Axis sorting
function sortCategoryAxis() {
// sort by value
series.dataItems.sort(function (x, y) {
return y.get("valueX") - x.get("valueX"); // descending
//return x.get("valueX") - y.get("valueX"); // ascending
// go through each axis item
am5.array.each(yAxis.dataItems, function (dataItem) {
// get corresponding series item
var seriesDataItem = getSeriesItem(dataItem.get("category"));
if (seriesDataItem) {
// get index of series data item
var index = series.dataItems.indexOf(seriesDataItem);
// calculate delta position
var deltaPosition =
(index - dataItem.get("index", 0)) / series.dataItems.length;
// set index to be the same as series data item index
if (dataItem.get("index") != index) {
dataItem.set("index", index);
// set deltaPosition instanlty
dataItem.set("deltaPosition", -deltaPosition);
// animate delta position to 0
key: "deltaPosition",
to: 0,
duration: stepDuration / 2,
easing: am5.ease.out(am5.ease.cubic)
// sort axis items by index.
// This changes the order instantly, but as deltaPosition is set, they keep in the same places and then animate to true positions.
yAxis.dataItems.sort(function (x, y) {
return x.get("index") - y.get("index");
var year = 2002;
// update data with values each 1.5 sec
var interval = setInterval(function () {
if (year > 2018) {
}, stepDuration);
var sortInterval = setInterval(function () {
}, 100);
function setInitialData() {
var d = allData[year];
for (var n in d) {{ network: n, value: d[n] });{ network: n });
function updateData() {
var itemsWithNonZero = 0;
if (allData[year]) {
label.set("text", year.toString());
am5.array.each(series.dataItems, function (dataItem) {
var category = dataItem.get("categoryY");
var value = allData[year][category];
if (value > 0) {
key: "valueX",
to: value,
duration: stepDuration,
easing: am5.ease.linear
key: "valueXWorking",
to: value,
duration: stepDuration,
easing: am5.ease.linear
yAxis.zoom(0, itemsWithNonZero / yAxis.dataItems.length);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 50);
// Make stuff animate on load
chart.appear(1000, 100);
}); // end am5.ready()
<!-- HTML -->
<div id="chartdiv"></div>