Honeycomb tile map
This Honeycomb or hex map is a simple XYChart with bullets arranged so that they resemble true map.
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Demo source
<!-- Styles -->
#chartdiv {
width: 650px;
height: 500px;
<!-- Resources -->
<script src="https://cdn.amcharts.com/lib/5/index.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.amcharts.com/lib/5/xy.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.amcharts.com/lib/5/themes/Animated.js"></script>
<!-- Chart code -->
am5.ready(function() {
* ---------------------------------------
* This demo was created using amCharts 5.
* For more information visit:
* https://www.amcharts.com/
* Documentation is available at:
* https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/
* ---------------------------------------
// Create root element
// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/getting-started/#Root_element
var root = am5.Root.new("chartdiv");
// Set themes
// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/concepts/themes/
// Create chart
// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/xy-chart/
var chart = root.container.children.push(am5xy.XYChart.new(root, {}));
// hide grid
chart.gridContainer.set("opacity", 0)
// Create axes
// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/xy-chart/axes/
var xAxis = chart.xAxes.push(am5xy.ValueAxis.new(root, {
renderer: am5xy.AxisRendererX.new(root, { minGridDistance: 50, inside: true }),
min: 0,
max: 12,
strictMinMax: true,
opacity: 0
var yAxis = chart.yAxes.push(am5xy.ValueAxis.new(root, {
renderer: am5xy.AxisRendererY.new(root, { inside: true, inversed: true }),
min: -1,
max: 7,
strictMinMax: true,
opacity: 0
// Create series
// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/xy-chart/series/
var series = chart.series.push(am5xy.LineSeries.new(root, {
calculateAggregates: true,
xAxis: xAxis,
yAxis: yAxis,
valueYField: "y",
valueXField: "x",
valueField: "value"
// Add bullet
// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/xy-chart/series/#Bullets
var template = am5.Template.new({});
series.bullets.push(function() {
var graphics = am5.Line.new(root, {
fill: series.get("fill"),
tooltipText: "{name} {value}",
tooltipY: -am5.p50,
stroke: am5.color(0xffffff),
strokeWidth: 2
}, template);
// we use adapter for x as radius will be called only once and x will be called each time position changes
graphics.adapters.add("x", function(x, target) {
var w = Math.abs(xAxis.getX(0, 1, 0) - xAxis.getX(1, 1, 0)) / 2;
var h = Math.abs(yAxis.getY(0, 1, 0) - yAxis.getY(1, 1, 0)) / 2;
var p0 = { x: 0, y: -h };
var p1 = { x: w, y: -h / 2 };
var p2 = { x: w, y: h / 2 };
var p3 = { x: 0, y: h };
var p4 = { x: -w, y: h / 2 };
var p5 = { x: -w, y: -h / 2 };
var p6 = { x: 0, y: -h };
target.set("segments", [[[p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6]]])
// return original x
return x;
return am5.Bullet.new(root, {
sprite: graphics
// another bullet for label
series.bullets.push(function() {
var label = am5.Label.new(root, {
populateText: true,
centerX: am5.p50,
centerY: am5.p50,
text: "{short}"
return am5.Bullet.new(root, {
sprite: label
series.set("heatRules", [{
target: template,
min: am5.color(0xfffb77),
max: am5.color(0xfe131a),
dataField: "value",
key: "fill"
series.strokes.template.set("strokeOpacity", 0);
var data = [{
short: "AL",
name: "Alabama",
y: 6,
x: 7,
value: 4849300
}, {
short: "AK",
name: "Alaska",
y: 0,
x: 0,
value: 737700
}, {
short: "AZ",
name: "Arizona",
y: 5,
x: 3,
value: 6745400
}, {
short: "AR",
name: "Arkansas",
y: 5,
x: 6,
value: 2994000
}, {
short: "CA",
name: "California",
y: 5,
x: 2,
value: 39250000
}, {
short: "CO",
name: "Colorado",
y: 4,
x: 3,
value: 5540500
}, {
short: "CT",
name: "Connecticut",
y: 3,
x: 11,
value: 3596600
}, {
short: "DE",
name: "Delaware",
y: 4,
x: 9,
value: 935600
}, {
short: "DC",
name: "District of Columbia",
y: 4,
x: 10,
value: 7288000
}, {
short: "FL",
name: "Florida",
y: 8,
x: 8,
value: 20612400
}, {
short: "GA",
name: "Georgia",
y: 7,
x: 8,
value: 10310300
}, {
short: "HI",
name: "Hawaii",
y: 8,
x: 0,
value: 1419500
}, {
short: "ID",
name: "Idaho",
y: 3,
x: 2,
value: 1634400
}, {
short: "IL",
name: "Illinois",
y: 3,
x: 6,
value: 12801500
}, {
short: "IN",
name: "Indiana",
y: 3,
x: 7,
value: 6596800
}, {
short: "IA",
name: "Iowa",
y: 3,
x: 5,
value: 3107100
}, {
short: "KS",
name: "Kansas",
y: 5,
x: 5,
value: 2904000
}, {
short: "KY",
name: "Kentucky",
y: 4,
x: 6,
value: 4413400
}, {
short: "LA",
name: "Louisiana",
y: 6,
x: 5,
value: 4649600
}, {
short: "ME",
name: "Maine",
y: 0,
x: 11,
value: 1330000
}, {
short: "MD",
name: "Maryland",
y: 4,
x: 8,
value: 6016400
}, {
short: "MA",
name: "Massachusetts",
y: 2,
x: 10,
value: 6811700
}, {
short: "MI",
name: "Michigan",
y: 2,
x: 7,
value: 9928300
}, {
short: "MN",
name: "Minnesota",
y: 2,
x: 4,
value: 5519900
}, {
short: "MS",
name: "Mississippi",
y: 6,
x: 6,
value: 2984900
}, {
short: "MO",
name: "Missouri",
y: 4,
x: 5,
value: 6093000
}, {
short: "MT",
name: "Montana",
y: 2,
x: 2,
value: 1023500
}, {
short: "NE",
name: "Nebraska",
y: 4,
x: 4,
value: 1881500
}, {
short: "NV",
name: "Nevada",
y: 4,
x: 2,
value: 2839000
}, {
short: "NH",
name: "New Hampshire",
y: 1,
x: 11,
value: 1326800
}, {
short: "NJ",
name: "New Jersey",
y: 3,
x: 10,
value: 8944400
}, {
short: "NM",
name: "New Mexico",
y: 6,
x: 3,
value: 2085500
}, {
short: "NY",
name: "New York",
y: 2,
x: 9,
value: 19745200
}, {
short: "NC",
name: "North Carolina",
y: 5,
x: 9,
value: 10146700
}, {
short: "ND",
name: "North Dakota",
y: 2,
x: 3,
value: 739400
}, {
short: "OH",
name: "Ohio",
y: 3,
x: 8,
value: 11614370
}, {
short: "OK",
name: "Oklahoma",
y: 6,
x: 4,
value: 3878000
}, {
short: "OR",
name: "Oregon",
y: 4,
x: 1,
value: 3970200
}, {
short: "PA",
name: "Pennsylvania",
y: 3,
x: 9,
value: 12784200
}, {
short: "RI",
name: "Rhode Island",
y: 2,
x: 11,
value: 1055100
}, {
short: "SC",
name: "South Carolina",
y: 6,
x: 8,
value: 4832400
}, {
short: "SD",
name: "South Dakota",
y: 3,
x: 4,
value: 853100
}, {
short: "TN",
name: "Tennessee",
y: 5,
x: 7,
value: 6651100
}, {
short: "TX",
name: "Texas",
y: 7,
x: 4,
value: 27862500
}, {
short: "UT",
name: "Utah",
y: 5,
x: 4,
value: 2942900
}, {
short: "VT",
name: "Vermont",
y: 1,
x: 10,
value: 626010
}, {
short: "VA",
name: "Virginia",
y: 5,
x: 8,
value: 8411800
}, {
short: "WA",
name: "Washington",
y: 2,
x: 1,
value: 7288000
}, {
short: "WV",
name: "West Virginia",
y: 4,
x: 7,
value: 1850320
}, {
short: "WI",
name: "Wisconsin",
y: 2,
x: 5,
value: 5778700
}, {
short: "WY",
name: "Wyoming",
y: 3,
x: 3,
value: 584150
// loop through all items and add 0,5 to all items in odd rows
var vStep = (1 + am5.math.sin(30)) / 2;
am5.array.each(data, function(di) {
var dx = 0;
if (di.y / 2 == Math.round(di.y / 2)) {
di.x += 0.5;
// shift y for the hext to stick to each other
di.y = vStep * di.y;
// Make stuff animate on load
// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/concepts/animations/
chart.appear(1000, 100);
}); // end am5.ready()
<!-- HTML -->
<div id="chartdiv"></div>