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Map Timeline

This is a demo visualizing event timeline on a map. Drag the year slider below the map and countries on a map light up as the slider crosses the year when that country joined a [fictional] treaty.

Key implementation details

We create a Slider with year range from our data. Then when the value (range) of the slider changes we update our country polygons and set active on the countries that joined the treaty that year or earlier.

Related tutorials

Demo source

<!-- Styles -->
#chartdiv {
  width: 100%;
  height: 900px;

<!-- Resources -->
<script src="https://cdn.amcharts.com/lib/5/index.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.amcharts.com/lib/5/map.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.amcharts.com/lib/5/geodata/worldLow.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.amcharts.com/lib/5/themes/Animated.js"></script>

<!-- Chart code -->
am5.ready(function() {

// Country data
var data = [
	{ year: 2004, country: "AF" },
	{ year: 2001, country: "AL" },
	{ year: 1989, country: "DZ" },
	{ year: 2015, country: "AD" },
	{ year: 2017, country: "AO" },
	{ year: 1989, country: "AG" },
	{ year: 1989, country: "AR" },
	{ year: 1997, country: "AM" },
	{ year: 1975, country: "AU" },
	{ year: 1961, country: "AT" },
	{ year: 2000, country: "AZ" },
	{ year: 2006, country: "BS" },
	{ year: 1988, country: "BH" },
	{ year: 1992, country: "BD" },
	{ year: 1993, country: "BB" },
	{ year: 1960, country: "BY" },
	{ year: 1975, country: "BE" },
	{ year: 2021, country: "BZ" },
	{ year: 1974, country: "BJ" },
	{ year: 2014, country: "BT" },
	{ year: 1995, country: "BO" },
	{ year: 1993, country: "BA" },
	{ year: 1971, country: "BW" },
	{ year: 2002, country: "BR" },
	{ year: 1996, country: "BN" },
	{ year: 1961, country: "BG" },
	{ year: 1987, country: "BF" },
	{ year: 2014, country: "BI" },
	{ year: 2018, country: "CV" },
	{ year: 1960, country: "KH" },
	{ year: 1988, country: "CM" },
	{ year: 1986, country: "CA" },
	{ year: 1962, country: "CF" },
	{ year: 1975, country: "CL" },
	{ year: 1987, country: "CN" },
	{ year: 1979, country: "CO" },
	{ year: 2015, country: "KM" },
	{ year: 2009, country: "CK" },
	{ year: 1987, country: "CR" },
	{ year: 1991, country: "CI" },
	{ year: 1993, country: "HR" },
	{ year: 1974, country: "CU" },
	{ year: 1980, country: "CY" },
	{ year: 1993, country: "CZ" },
	{ year: 2014, country: "CD" },
	{ year: 1972, country: "DK" },
	{ year: 1983, country: "DJ" },
	{ year: 1988, country: "DM" },
	{ year: 2002, country: "DO" },
	{ year: 1962, country: "EC" },
	{ year: 1959, country: "EG" },
	{ year: 1998, country: "SV" },
	{ year: 1993, country: "EE" },
	{ year: 2020, country: "ET" },
	{ year: 2010, country: "FJ" },
	{ year: 1962, country: "FI" },
	{ year: 1959, country: "FR" },
	{ year: 2006, country: "GA" },
	{ year: 1994, country: "GE" },
	{ year: 1975, country: "DE" },
	{ year: 1968, country: "GH" },
	{ year: 1962, country: "GR" },
	{ year: 1984, country: "GT" },
	{ year: 1991, country: "GN" },
	{ year: 2014, country: "GY" },
	{ year: 1983, country: "HT" },
	{ year: 1975, country: "VA" },
	{ year: 2000, country: "HN" },
	{ year: 1962, country: "HU" },
	{ year: 2002, country: "IS" },
	{ year: 1960, country: "IN" },
	{ year: 1981, country: "ID" },
	{ year: 2001, country: "IR" },
	{ year: 2021, country: "IQ" },
	{ year: 1981, country: "IE" },
	{ year: 1959, country: "IL" },
	{ year: 1969, country: "IT" },
	{ year: 2002, country: "JM" },
	{ year: 1961, country: "JP" },
	{ year: 1979, country: "JO" },
	{ year: 1995, country: "KZ" },
	{ year: 1989, country: "KE" },
	{ year: 1978, country: "KW" },
	{ year: 1996, country: "KG" },
	{ year: 1998, country: "LA" },
	{ year: 1992, country: "LV" },
	{ year: 1998, country: "LB" },
	{ year: 1989, country: "LS" },
	{ year: 2005, country: "LR" },
	{ year: 2011, country: "LI" },
	{ year: 1995, country: "LT" },
	{ year: 1983, country: "LU" },
	{ year: 1962, country: "MG" },
	{ year: 2021, country: "MW" },
	{ year: 1985, country: "MY" },
	{ year: 2019, country: "MV" },
	{ year: 1994, country: "ML" },
	{ year: 2000, country: "MT" },
	{ year: 2006, country: "MH" },
	{ year: 1997, country: "MR" },
	{ year: 1996, country: "MU" },
	{ year: 1971, country: "MX" },
	{ year: 1982, country: "MC" },
	{ year: 1994, country: "MN" },
	{ year: 2006, country: "ME" },
	{ year: 1959, country: "MA" },
	{ year: 1998, country: "MZ" },
	{ year: 2013, country: "MM" },
	{ year: 1998, country: "NP" },
	{ year: 1964, country: "NL" },
	{ year: 1983, country: "NZ" },
	{ year: 2003, country: "NI" },
	{ year: 1964, country: "NE" },
	{ year: 1970, country: "NG" },
	{ year: 1994, country: "MK" },
	{ year: 1961, country: "NO" },
	{ year: 1999, country: "OM" },
	{ year: 2005, country: "PK" },
	{ year: 2020, country: "PW" },
	{ year: 1984, country: "PA" },
	{ year: 2019, country: "PG" },
	{ year: 1997, country: "PY" },
	{ year: 1988, country: "PE" },
	{ year: 1967, country: "PH" },
	{ year: 1961, country: "PL" },
	{ year: 1994, country: "PT" },
	{ year: 2002, country: "QA" },
	{ year: 1973, country: "KR" },
	{ year: 1998, country: "MD" },
	{ year: 1961, country: "RO" },
	{ year: 1960, country: "RU" },
	{ year: 2008, country: "RW" },
	{ year: 1979, country: "SM" },
	{ year: 2012, country: "ST" },
	{ year: 1994, country: "SA" },
	{ year: 1994, country: "SN" },
	{ year: 2001, country: "RS" },
	{ year: 2020, country: "SC" },
	{ year: 2020, country: "SL" },
	{ year: 1986, country: "SG" },
	{ year: 1993, country: "SK" },
	{ year: 1992, country: "SI" },
	{ year: 1976, country: "ZA" },
	{ year: 1977, country: "ES" },
	{ year: 1962, country: "LK" },
	{ year: 2000, country: "VC" },
	{ year: 2015, country: "PS" },
	{ year: 2018, country: "SD" },
	{ year: 1972, country: "SE" },
	{ year: 1965, country: "CH" },
	{ year: 1959, country: "SY" },
	{ year: 2012, country: "TJ" },
	{ year: 1959, country: "TH" },
	{ year: 2020, country: "TO" },
	{ year: 1966, country: "TT" },
	{ year: 1967, country: "TN" },
	{ year: 1992, country: "TR" },
	{ year: 1992, country: "UG" },
	{ year: 1960, country: "UA" },
	{ year: 2006, country: "AE" },
	{ year: 1975, country: "GB" },
	{ year: 1964, country: "TZ" },
	{ year: 1970, country: "US" },
	{ year: 1983, country: "UY" },
	{ year: 1996, country: "UZ" },
	{ year: 1995, country: "VE" },
	{ year: 1995, country: "VN" },
	{ year: 2002, country: "ZM" },
	{ year: 1994, country: "ZW" }

// Create root element
// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/getting-started/#Root_element
var root = am5.Root.new("chartdiv");

// Set themes
// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/concepts/themes/

// Create the map chart
// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/map-chart/
var chart = root.container.children.push(am5map.MapChart.new(root, {
  panX: "rotateX",
  panY: "translateY",
  projection: am5map.geoNaturalEarth1()

// Title
chart.children.unshift(am5.Label.new(root, {
  text: "A timeline of countries joining treaty X",
  fontSize: 22,
  fontWeight: "400",
  textAlign: "center",
  x: am5.percent(50),
  centerX: am5.percent(50)

// Create main polygon series for countries
// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/map-chart/map-polygon-series/
var polygonSeries = chart.series.push(am5map.MapPolygonSeries.new(root, {
  geoJSON: am5geodata_worldLow,
  exclude: ["AQ"]

  tooltipText: "{name}",
  toggleKey: "active",
  interactive: true

polygonSeries.mapPolygons.template.states.create("hover", {
  fill: root.interfaceColors.get("primaryButtonHover")

polygonSeries.mapPolygons.template.states.create("active", {
  fill: root.interfaceColors.get("primaryButtonActive")

// Set clicking on "water" to zoom out
chart.chartContainer.get("background").events.on("click", function() {

// Make stuff animate on load
chart.appear(1000, 100);

// Aggregate data
var years = {};
var firstYear = 99999;
var lastYear = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
  var row = data[i];
  var year = row.year;
  if (years[year] == undefined) {
    years[year] = [];
  if (firstYear > year) {
    firstYear = year;
  if (lastYear < year) {
    lastYear = year;

// Create controls
var container = chart.children.push(am5.Container.new(root, {
  y: am5.p100,
  centerX: am5.p50,
  centerY: am5.p100,
  x: am5.p50,
  width: am5.percent(90),
  layout: root.horizontalLayout,
  paddingBottom: 10

var playButton = container.children.push(am5.Button.new(root, {
  themeTags: ["play"],
  centerY: am5.p50,
  marginRight: 40,
  icon: am5.Graphics.new(root, {
    themeTags: ["icon"]

playButton.events.on("click", function () {
  if (playButton.get("active")) {
    slider.set("start", slider.get("start") + 0.0001);
  } else {
      key: "start",
      to: 1,
      duration: 15000 * (1 - slider.get("start"))

var slider = container.children.push(am5.Slider.new(root, {
  //width: am5.percent(80),
  orientation: "horizontal",
  start: 0,
  centerY: am5.p50

slider.startGrip.get("icon").set("forceHidden", true);
slider.startGrip.set("label", am5.Label.new(root, {
  text: firstYear + "",
  paddingTop: 0,
  paddingRight: 0,
  paddingBottom: 0,
  paddingLeft: 0


slider.events.on("rangechanged", function () {
  var year = firstYear + Math.round(slider.get("start", 0) * (lastYear - firstYear));
  slider.startGrip.get("label").set("text", year + "");
  // updateSeriesData(
  //   firstYear + Math.round(slider.get("start", 0) * (lastYear - firstYear))
  // );

function updateCountries(year) {
  am5.object.each(years, function(joinYear, countries) {
    am5.array.each(countries, function(country) {
      var dataItem = polygonSeries.getDataItemById(country);
      if (dataItem) {
        dataItem.get("mapPolygon").set("active", joinYear <= year)

}); // end am5.ready()

<!-- HTML -->
<div id="chartdiv"></div>