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Drill-down, zoomable Voronoi Treemap

Voronoi treemaps (diagrams) are a data visualization technique that combines the concepts of Voronoi diagrams and treemaps to represent hierarchical data. In a Voronoi treemap, the available space is divided into cells based on the Voronoi diagram, where each cell represents a portion of the data. The hierarchical structure is encoded by nesting cells within each other, with larger cells containing smaller cells. The size of each cell corresponds to a quantitative value associated with the data element it represents. By employing this approach, Voronoi treemaps offer a visually appealing and space-filling representation of hierarchical data, allowing users to explore the data’s structure and proportions in a hierarchical context.

This chart is added to a Zoomable Container, so you can pan, zoom-in and zoom-out this chart using mouse wheel, pinch-zoom or zoom tools on the bottom-right.

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<!-- Styles -->
#chartdiv {
  width: 100%;
  height: 600px;

<!-- Resources -->
<script src="https://cdn.amcharts.com/lib/5/index.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.amcharts.com/lib/5/hierarchy.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.amcharts.com/lib/5/themes/Animated.js"></script>

<!-- Chart code -->
am5.ready(function() {

// Create root element
// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/getting-started/#Root_element
var root = am5.Root.new("chartdiv");

// Create custom theme...
var myTheme = am5.Theme.new(root);

// ... no stroke and fill on zero level
myTheme.rule("Polygon", ["hierarchy", "node", "shape", "depth0"]).setAll({
  strokeOpacity: 0,
  fillOpacity: 0

// ... thick stroke and full opacity on first level
myTheme.rule("Polygon", ["hierarchy", "node", "shape", "depth1"]).setAll({
  strokeWidth: 5,
  fillOpacity: 1,
  stroke: am5.color(0x000000)

// ... no fill and thin stroke on second level
myTheme.rule("Polygon", ["hierarchy", "node", "shape", "depth2"]).setAll({
  fillOpacity: 0,
  strokeWidth: 1,
  stroke: am5.color(0x000000)

//  ... by default last lever is not clickable, but we change it here, so, add pointer on the last level
myTheme.rule("HierarchyNode", ["last"]).setAll({
  cursorOverStyle: "pointer"

// ... set global settings for all labels
myTheme.rule("Label", ["node"]).setAll({
  fontSize: 11,
  minScale: 0.7

// ... hide label of zero level
myTheme.rule("Label", ["node", "depth0"]).setAll({
  forceHidden: true

// ... hide label of first level
myTheme.rule("Label", ["node", "depth1"]).setAll({
  forceHidden: true

// Set themes
// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/concepts/themes/

// Prepare data
var data = {
  "children": [
      "name": "Africa",
      "children": [
          "id": "DZ",
          "name": "Algeria",
          "population": 40400000
          "id": "AO",
          "name": "Angola",
          "population": 25868000
          "id": "BJ",
          "name": "Benin",
          "population": 10653654
          "id": "BW",
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          "population": 2141206
          "id": "BF",
          "name": "Burkina Faso",
          "population": 19034397
          "id": "BI",
          "name": "Burundi",
          "population": 10114505
          "id": "CV",
          "name": "Cabo Verde",
          "population": 531239
          "id": "CM",
          "name": "Cameroon",
          "population": 22709892
          "id": "CF",
          "name": "Central African Republic",
          "population": 4998000
          "id": "TD",
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          "population": 14497000
          "id": "KM",
          "name": "Comoros",
          "population": 806153
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          "population": 4741000
          "id": "CD",
          "name": "Congo (Kinshasa)",
          "population": 85026000
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          "population": 900000
          "id": "EG",
          "name": "Egypt",
          "population": 91251890
          "id": "GQ",
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          "population": 1222442
          "id": "ER",
          "name": "Eritrea",
          "population": 4474690
          "id": "SZ",
          "name": "Eswatini",
          "population": 1136191
          "id": "ET",
          "name": "Ethiopia",
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          "id": "GM",
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          "population": 1547777
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          "population": 1262879
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          "name": "Namibia",
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          "population": 187356
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          "population": 7075641
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      "children": [
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          "population": 6492400
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          "population": 25000000
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          "id": "TJ",
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          "population": 8593600
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          "population": 65327652
          "id": "TR",
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          "population": 78741053
          "id": "TM",
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          "population": 4751120
          "id": "AE",
          "name": "United Arab Emirates",
          "population": 9856000
          "id": "UZ",
          "name": "Uzbekistan",
          "population": 31910641
          "id": "VN",
          "name": "Vietnam",
          "population": 92700000
          "id": "YE",
          "name": "Yemen",
          "population": 27478000
      "name": "Europe",
      "children": [
          "id": "AL",
          "name": "Albania",
          "population": 2876591
          "id": "AD",
          "name": "Andorra",
          "population": 78014
          "id": "AT",
          "name": "Austria",
          "population": 8735453
          "id": "BY",
          "name": "Belarus",
          "population": 9500000
          "id": "BE",
          "name": "Belgium",
          "population": 11319511
          "id": "BA",
          "name": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
          "population": 3531159
          "id": "BG",
          "name": "Bulgaria",
          "population": 7153784
          "id": "HR",
          "name": "Croatia",
          "population": 4190669
          "id": "CY",
          "name": "Cyprus",
          "population": 847000
          "id": "CZ",
          "name": "Czech Republic",
          "population": 10558524
          "id": "DK",
          "name": "Denmark",
          "population": 5717014
          "id": "EE",
          "name": "Estonia",
          "population": 1315819
          "id": "FO",
          "name": "Faroe Islands",
          "population": 49188
          "id": "FI",
          "name": "Finland",
          "population": 5491817
          "id": "FR",
          "name": "France",
          "population": 66710000
          "id": "DE",
          "name": "Germany",
          "population": 82667685
          "id": "GI",
          "name": "Gibraltar",
          "population": 33140
          "id": "GR",
          "name": "Greece",
          "population": 10858018
          "id": "GG",
          "name": "Guernsey",
          "population": 62999
          "id": "HU",
          "name": "Hungary",
          "population": 9823000
          "id": "IS",
          "name": "Iceland",
          "population": 334300
          "id": "IE",
          "name": "Ireland",
          "population": 6378000
          "id": "IM",
          "name": "Isle of Man",
          "population": 84497
          "id": "IT",
          "name": "Italy",
          "population": 60665551
          "id": "JE",
          "name": "Jersey",
          "population": 100800
          "id": "LV",
          "name": "Latvia",
          "population": 1961600
          "id": "LI",
          "name": "Liechtenstein",
          "population": 37623
          "id": "LT",
          "name": "Lithuania",
          "population": 2932367
          "id": "LU",
          "name": "Luxembourg",
          "population": 576200
          "id": "MK",
          "name": "Macedonia",
          "population": 2058539
          "id": "MT",
          "name": "Malta",
          "population": 429344
          "id": "MD",
          "name": "Moldova",
          "population": 3553100
          "id": "MC",
          "name": "Monaco",
          "population": 38400
          "id": "ME",
          "name": "Montenegro",
          "population": 621810
          "id": "NL",
          "name": "Netherlands",
          "population": 17019800
          "id": "NO",
          "name": "Norway",
          "population": 5223256
          "id": "PL",
          "name": "Poland",
          "population": 38437239
          "id": "PT",
          "name": "Portugal",
          "population": 10374822
          "id": "RO",
          "name": "Romania",
          "population": 19861408
          "id": "RU",
          "name": "Russia",
          "population": 146599183
          "id": "SM",
          "name": "San Marino",
          "population": 33005
          "id": "RS",
          "name": "Serbia",
          "population": 7076372
          "id": "SK",
          "name": "Slovakia",
          "population": 5426252
          "id": "SI",
          "name": "Slovenia",
          "population": 2064188
          "id": "ES",
          "name": "Spain",
          "population": 46438422
          "id": "SJ",
          "name": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen",
          "population": 3200
          "id": "SE",
          "name": "Sweden",
          "population": 9851017
          "id": "CH",
          "name": "Switzerland",
          "population": 8372098
          "id": "UA",
          "name": "Ukraine",
          "population": 42692393
          "id": "GB",
          "name": "United Kingdom",
          "population": 65110000
          "id": "VA",
          "name": "Vatican City",
          "population": 451
      "name": "North America",
      "children": [
          "id": "AI",
          "name": "Anguilla",
          "population": 13452
          "id": "AG",
          "name": "Antigua and Barbuda",
          "population": 86295
          "id": "BS",
          "name": "Bahamas",
          "population": 378040
          "id": "BB",
          "name": "Barbados",
          "population": 285000
          "id": "BZ",
          "name": "Belize",
          "population": 360346
          "id": "BM",
          "name": "Bermuda",
          "population": 61954
          "id": "CA",
          "name": "Canada",
          "population": 36155487
          "id": "KY",
          "name": "Cayman Islands",
          "population": 58238
          "id": "CR",
          "name": "Costa Rica",
          "population": 4999441
          "id": "CU",
          "name": "Cuba",
          "population": 11239004
          "id": "DM",
          "name": "Dominica",
          "population": 71293
          "id": "DO",
          "name": "Dominican Republic",
          "population": 10075045
          "id": "SV",
          "name": "El Salvador",
          "population": 6520675
          "id": "GL",
          "name": "Greenland",
          "population": 55877
          "id": "GD",
          "name": "Grenada",
          "population": 103328
          "id": "GT",
          "name": "Guatemala",
          "population": 16176133
          "id": "HT",
          "name": "Haiti",
          "population": 11078033
          "id": "HN",
          "name": "Honduras",
          "population": 8576532
          "id": "JM",
          "name": "Jamaica",
          "population": 2723246
          "id": "MX",
          "name": "Mexico",
          "population": 122273473
          "id": "MS",
          "name": "Montserrat",
          "population": 4922
          "id": "NI",
          "name": "Nicaragua",
          "population": 6262703
          "id": "PA",
          "name": "Panama",
          "population": 3814672
          "id": "PR",
          "name": "Puerto Rico",
          "population": 3474182
          "id": "KN",
          "name": "Saint Kitts and Nevis",
          "population": 46204
          "id": "LC",
          "name": "Saint Lucia",
          "population": 186000
          "id": "PM",
          "name": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon",
          "population": 6069
          "id": "VC",
          "name": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
          "population": 109991
          "id": "TT",
          "name": "Trinidad and Tobago",
          "population": 1228691
          "id": "TC",
          "name": "Turks and Caicos Islands",
          "population": 31458
          "id": "US",
          "name": "United States",
          "population": 326766748
          "id": "VI",
          "name": "U.S. Virgin Islands",
          "population": 106235
      "name": "South America",
      "children": [
          "id": "AR",
          "name": "Argentina",
          "population": 43847430
          "id": "BO",
          "name": "Bolivia",
          "population": 11051600
          "id": "BR",
          "name": "Brazil",
          "population": 209288278
          "id": "CL",
          "name": "Chile",
          "population": 18191900
          "id": "CO",
          "name": "Colombia",
          "population": 49065615
          "id": "EC",
          "name": "Ecuador",
          "population": 16624858
          "id": "FK",
          "name": "Falkland Islands",
          "population": 2563
          "id": "GF",
          "name": "French Guiana",
          "population": 269352
          "id": "GY",
          "name": "Guyana",
          "population": 777859
          "id": "PY",
          "name": "Paraguay",
          "population": 6811297
          "id": "PE",
          "name": "Peru",
          "population": 32165485
          "id": "SR",
          "name": "Suriname",
          "population": 542975
          "id": "UY",
          "name": "Uruguay",
          "population": 3456750
          "id": "VE",
          "name": "Venezuela",
          "population": 31977065
      "name": "Oceania",
      "children": [
          "id": "AS",
          "name": "American Samoa",
          "population": 55641
          "id": "AU",
          "name": "Australia",
          "population": 24450561
          "id": "CK",
          "name": "Cook Islands",
          "population": 17380
          "id": "FJ",
          "name": "Fiji",
          "population": 905502
          "id": "PF",
          "name": "French Polynesia",
          "population": 271800
          "id": "GU",
          "name": "Guam",
          "population": 168564
          "id": "KI",
          "name": "Kiribati",
          "population": 113400
          "id": "MH",
          "name": "Marshall Islands",
          "population": 53127
          "id": "FM",
          "name": "Micronesia",
          "population": 105544
          "id": "NR",
          "name": "Nauru",
          "population": 10084
          "id": "NC",
          "name": "New Caledonia",
          "population": 268767
          "id": "NZ",
          "name": "New Zealand",
          "population": 4693200
          "id": "NU",
          "name": "Niue",
          "population": 1618
          "id": "NF",
          "name": "Norfolk Island",
          "population": 2302
          "id": "MP",
          "name": "Northern Mariana Islands",
          "population": 56940
          "id": "PW",
          "name": "Palau",
          "population": 21729
          "id": "PG",
          "name": "Papua New Guinea",
          "population": 8251162
          "id": "PN",
          "name": "Pitcairn Islands",
          "population": 56
          "id": "WS",
          "name": "Samoa",
          "population": 196440
          "id": "SB",
          "name": "Solomon Islands",
          "population": 611343
          "id": "TK",
          "name": "Tokelau",
          "population": 1411
          "id": "TO",
          "name": "Tonga",
          "population": 108020
          "id": "TV",
          "name": "Tuvalu",
          "population": 11323
          "id": "VU",
          "name": "Vanuatu",
          "population": 276244
          "id": "WF",
          "name": "Wallis and Futuna",
          "population": 11750

// Group small countries into Others
am5.array.each(data.children, function (continent) {
  var others = {
    name: "Others",
    id: "Others",
    population: 0

  for (var i = continent.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    var country = continent.children[i];
    if (country.population < 5000000) {
      others.population += country.population
      am5.array.remove(continent.children, country);

var zoomableContainer = root.container.children.push(
  am5.ZoomableContainer.new(root, {
    width: am5.p100,
    height: am5.p100,
    wheelable: true,
    pinchZoom: true

var zoomTools = zoomableContainer.children.push(am5.ZoomTools.new(root, {
  target: zoomableContainer

// Create series
// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/hierarchy/#Adding
var series = zoomableContainer.contents.children.push(am5hierarchy.VoronoiTreemap.new(root, {
  paddingLeft: 5,
  paddingRight: 5,
  paddingTop: 5,
  paddingBottom: 5,
  singleBranchOnly: true,
  downDepth: 2,
  upDepth: 0,
  initialDepth: 2,
  valueField: "population",
  categoryField: "name",
  childDataField: "children",
  idField: "name",
  type: "polygon",
  cornerCount: 120

// Show full name if polygon is big and only the id if its small
series.labels.template.adapters.add("x", function (x, target) {
  var dataItem = target.dataItem;
  if (dataItem) {
    var polygon = dataItem.get("polygon");
    if (polygon) {
      var minX = polygon.getPrivate("minX", 0);
      var maxX = polygon.getPrivate("maxX", 0);
      var dataContext = dataItem.dataContext;

      if (dataContext) {
        if (maxX - minX < 50) {
          target.set("text", dataContext.id);
        else {
          target.set("text", dataContext.name);
  return x;

// When last level node is clicked, zoom to parent
series.nodes.template.events.on("click", function (e) {
  var dataItem = e.target.dataItem;
  if (dataItem) {
    if (!dataItem.get("children")) {

// Set data
// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/hierarchy/#Setting_data

// Select root node
// https://www.amcharts.com/docs/v5/charts/hierarchy/#Pre_selected_branch
series.set("selectedDataItem", series.dataItems[0]);

// Make stuff animate on load
series.appear(1000, 100);

}); // end am5.ready()

<!-- HTML -->
<div id="chartdiv"></div>